Alphabet Soup

Laura Stripp in Valencia, Spain is focusing on letters for a year in Alphabet Soup...

Why did you decide to do this project? I was reading the etsy article and found it really inspirational. I was feeling a bit frustrated last year that I wasn't being as creative as I'd like to be. I think this will give me a good kick in the behind to start doing stuff again. I love how you really have to get the creative cogs going to come up with 365 ways of doing one thing.

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? I'm only just beginning, but it's great because I never did any art studies and get a bit nervous when I think I have to draw/make something, like I can't possibly do it! But now I have no excuses, I have to make something by the end of the day and so far, I've only had a very limited amount of time for it each day, so I just have to get on and do it. It gives me a nice sense of achievement to feel that I am actually doing something creative, even if it's just picking up my camera.

See what Laura's been cooking up on her site HERE.


  1. If I was to do this project I would probably choose something similar as I love letters, fonts, writing and words :)
    Gonna visit her blog now!

  2. What a creative year long project.... These are great :)
