Consider The Birds

Victoria Istvan in Rising Sun, Maryland is making a bird a day in Consider the Birds. She says, "After changing my mind on the second day of my original plan for this project, I decided to stick with making a bird a day. Initially, my decision to do this was sheer laziness (it was WAY easier than my original plan), but I have found that I can attach a lot of meaning to it now. Birds are really symbolic of the place I'm at in life right now, breaking free from some very difficult situations, and finding my wings again. Also, my name for this project - Consider the birds- is from a verse in the Bible, where Jesus talks about not worrying, and that is something I am really working on right now. So the bird theme really is perfect for me."

Why did you decide to do this project? I came across an article on etsy about this project last week, and posted it on facebook, saying "I want to try this." Then a couple friends commented on it, and I thought 'maybe I really should try it!' So I did. It really will help me to accomplish two of the goals I have set for myself for this year- one being to stay consistent with something, and the other to get creative again.

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? I've only been doing it for a week so far, but already I can see how it's affecting me. I am constantly thinking of new ideas for the project, all day long. I am looking at things in a new way, wondering how I can incorporate ordinary items I come across into my creations. It's been really fun and exciting so far. Every morning when I wake up I'm already thinking about what I will make for the day.

Consider all of Victoria's birds on her site HERE.


  1. I love seeing Vicky's birds everyday! Thanks for making my day a little brighter every day Vicky!!!! :o)

  2. Vicky is the best - so very creative and I am blessed to see how she is using the talent God gave her to do some new and exciting things!

  3. Now, see, I never would have thought to make a bird out of socks!! That's just super!
    I will have to read the Bible passage. It must be on your blog.
