Mandy Duffy in Elkridge, Maryland is giving herself a year of self-taught beading lessons at Beads For Brains: 365...
Why did you decide to do this project? I'm a very curious human being, surfing the web a great deal to find interesting tidbits of information. I came across a blog where the author was doing a 365 project and was enthralled by the idea! The same day I ordered the book and started my blog. Not only do I think it is a wonderful concept and tool for developing creativity I think it can be used for just about anything. Starting or stopping a habit, gaining perspective of the world around you, looking inside yourself, and so on and so on. I only deliberated a short time on what my project theme would be. The month before I started my blog, I took my first ever bead weaving class and I loved it. I couldn't stop playing around with the beads! The colors and shapes mesmorized me, and still do. But being unemployed, I couldn't afford to take the classes. The cost of the class plus the supplies was just to much when all I wanted to do was learn, learn, learn. So I've decided to teach myself to bead weave. My project is to teach myself a new beading lesson, technique, or project every day for a year using books, magazines, and the Internet.
How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? I am currently on Day 33 of my beading adventure and I can't believe how much I have learned! In general, I get very excited about things, but after the initial enthusiasm things peter out and I quit. I've taught myself crafts before from books, like knitting and crocheting, but I've never gone the extra step to make myself really good at something. This is the first time with a hobby that I love that I am advancing, quickly, because I am learning something new everyday. I'm still not producing original works of beaded art, but it's coming, I can feel it. Everything I've learned so far in my 33 days is building a base of knowledge for the big stuff. I always want to go right to the hardest thing and get frustrated when I fail. With this project I am starting small where I should start. And since my little successes are piling up, I know there will be bigger successes down the road. I have a feeling I will be doing a 365 project on some theme or another every year for the rest of my life!
See all of Mandy's beaded projects HERE.
Why did you decide to do this project? I'm a very curious human being, surfing the web a great deal to find interesting tidbits of information. I came across a blog where the author was doing a 365 project and was enthralled by the idea! The same day I ordered the book and started my blog. Not only do I think it is a wonderful concept and tool for developing creativity I think it can be used for just about anything. Starting or stopping a habit, gaining perspective of the world around you, looking inside yourself, and so on and so on. I only deliberated a short time on what my project theme would be. The month before I started my blog, I took my first ever bead weaving class and I loved it. I couldn't stop playing around with the beads! The colors and shapes mesmorized me, and still do. But being unemployed, I couldn't afford to take the classes. The cost of the class plus the supplies was just to much when all I wanted to do was learn, learn, learn. So I've decided to teach myself to bead weave. My project is to teach myself a new beading lesson, technique, or project every day for a year using books, magazines, and the Internet.
How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? I am currently on Day 33 of my beading adventure and I can't believe how much I have learned! In general, I get very excited about things, but after the initial enthusiasm things peter out and I quit. I've taught myself crafts before from books, like knitting and crocheting, but I've never gone the extra step to make myself really good at something. This is the first time with a hobby that I love that I am advancing, quickly, because I am learning something new everyday. I'm still not producing original works of beaded art, but it's coming, I can feel it. Everything I've learned so far in my 33 days is building a base of knowledge for the big stuff. I always want to go right to the hardest thing and get frustrated when I fail. With this project I am starting small where I should start. And since my little successes are piling up, I know there will be bigger successes down the road. I have a feeling I will be doing a 365 project on some theme or another every year for the rest of my life!
See all of Mandy's beaded projects HERE.