Kari's Collage-a-Day

Kari McDonald in Rockford, Illinois is creating 365:Collage-a-Day Project "A Printmaker's Year-Long Collage Project to Stimulate Her Artistic Brain"...

Why did you decide to do this project? After graduating from Northern Illinois University with a B.F.A. in Printmaking in December 2010, I needed to still be challenged on a daily basis while being home and an hour away from the studio on campus. The art community at NIU, especially in Printmaking, is very collaborative and very involved. Since I can't just magically create money to build my own printmaking studio, I needed something to keep my creativity going and to motivate my brain to keep thinking artistically while I build up and collect supplies and equipment. I was inspired by two people. I saw Noah speak online for the live Etsy Symposium, but I also have been inspired by one of my local artist friends, Jennifer Mullin. She is an art teacher and a collage artist (also on Etsy: TinyArtbyJMullin). So, I decided to do my own project based on a combination of the two people and their ideas for my year-long project of artistic stimulation.

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? Following through and staying on target everyday are the hardest parts of this project. I am excited to get each collage done, but when it is 11pm I just want to go to bed. Time management is crucial for this project and I need to allow for mobility if I want/need to bring the little collages with me on vacations and day trips with my husband. Creating something everyday has definitely helped my brain really think about composition and content, rather than just throwing things down on the paper. I've also learned to think faster and freer. Maybe I'll even "strike gold" by the end of this when I plan on doing a show with all 365 pieces! ... but I should only think one day at a time here.

See all of Kari's collages and more on her blog HERE.


  1. Thanks for including my collage project! I'm so glad I'm now able to share this work with more people through this great 365 site. You can find me everywhere on all the social media sites as ThePaperButton

    See some of my prints on Etsy: http://www.ThePaperButton.com

    What I forgot to mention was that I am excited to take elements from these collages to use in making prints

    Thanks again!

  2. Maybe you should check the original blog at http://acollageaday.com
