Daily Creative by gstar

Geneviève Daigle AKA gstar in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada is using my book to make a project called Daily Creative by gstar...

Why did you decide to do this project? I bought the book over 1.5 years ago in an attempt to inject some creativity in my life, but didn't start it. I'm a graphic designer, yet sometimes feel like the constraints imposed on me by clients are keeping me from really expressing myself. I felt stuck in a rut of sorts. I came across the book on January 1 of this year and thought it was time to give the project a go.

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? I'm currently 33 days in, and it's been great so far. I'm definitely doing more fun creative things and am looking forward to be challenged every day. I was also blown away by the feedback by friends and family over my blog. I never expected this much positive support.

See all of Geneviéve's creativity on display HERE.

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