daily heART Follow-Up

I'm periodically checking back in with some folks who have completed their 365 projects...

Ellen Petti finished her yearlong daily heART project on January 8th, 2012...

What are the biggest lessons/skills you learned from doing your project?  I learned that my imagination could be stretched far beyond what I knew; how much power and possibility is in the imagination.  I also discovered that what I can visualize I can usually make happen.  I spent a lot of time thinking of new mediums or techniques to use and was mostly able to pull off a new heart along those lines.  I already knew I like detail work but doing this project really reinforced that awareness, as well as reminded me that I can be overly perfectionistic.  I had to learn to let go of that tendency and allow myself to have days when the heart just got done, good or bad.   I found I loved looking at some random thing and asking the question, "how can I make a heart out of that?" and facing the challenge of taking everyday, normal or quirky objects and mediums and manipulating them into hearts.

In what ways did the project change your life?  I now have more confidence in my ability to create, and to be original.  This project encouraged me to trust my instincts and believe in myself.  

Now what?  Publish a book of hearts!

Read Ellen's original 365 interview HERE.

See all of Ellen's hearts HERE (she started the blog after her project began, so they're still being posted daily).


  1. Very nice.

    Love is everywhere.


