A Drop of CleanEnergy A Day

One of the things that I try to stress to people taking on a yearlong daily project is that, while they're life-changing, they can also be hard work! Just like going to the gym, it takes time & effort and you aren't always going to want to do it. However the great thing about a daily creativity practice is that no matter how long you go there are still profound lessons to be learned! This story from a recent participant in one of my corporate workshops is a great example.


John Bottomley based in Aix-en-Provence & London decided to give a 365 project a shot after hearing about my own Skull-A-Day project. He called it A drop of CleanEnergy a day...

Why did you decide to do this project? Because I was inspired by you & your skull stories! Plus I’m a huge proponent of trying new stuff to keep the brain learning, growing and creating. (the ole “use it or lose it” concept). My aim is to educate my 3 kids (and others!) regarding Clean Energy. The concept is evolving – along with as much creativity as I can muster on the art side.

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? 
I hit a bump originally based on problems with technology, but quickly realized my subject was too limited AND crazy travel/schedule at work made it more of a task than enjoyment. What did I take away in my brief experiment? Looking at materials/objects differently. And one of your core concepts is to be different & to experiment. I haven't given up, but will post irregularly, not daily, when inspired.

See what John is making on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.

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