365 Merit Badge Contest

I recently got a batch of these 365 project merit badges made by my friends at Nerd Merit Badges. Rather than sell them I'm going to give them away! But you have to do something extra to get one...

I want you to make a short video about your own (finished or currently running) 365 project in the spirit of my video showing the 365 skulls I made for Skull-A-Day...

You don't need to do anything fancy with these videos, just use the basic technology you have available to you or get your friends involved if need be. The only requirements are:
  1. Start with "Hi, I'm _(first name only is fine)_ and I'm making/made/did   ______________  every day for a year."
  2. Show all or just some of the things you made/did.
  3. End with the URL for this site "MakeSomething365.com" in some way. Spoken or just written out is fine. (I've even provided a handy graphic you can use if you want below)
  4. Post your video to YouTube or Vimeo so that it's easy to share.
  5. Send me a link when it's up.
Asside from that, just have fun and be creative.

I have 25 patches to give away, so they will go to the first 25 videos that I'm sent (from anywhere in the world) that fit the criteria above. I'll post them to the site as they come in so you'll know how many are left to give away!

Right now this is the only way to get one of these rare patches so don't miss out!

The submission address is

And the contest starts...now!

(be sure to click image to get full-size version)


Anonymous said...

Oh hell, I better get working on that cuz I gotta have one of those merit badges LOL

Anonymous said...

me too! It can go with the puzzle badge Mim (mim4art) sent me!