I've decided to periodically check back in with some folks who have completed their 365 projects...
My friend
Abby Davis finished a year of taking nature photos daily on November 11, 2011...
Day 76 - Reflection of trees in puddle |
What are the biggest lessons/skills you learned from doing your project? I learned how to properly use my camera, how to edit photos with Picnik.com and see nature in different ways than I did before the project.
Day 100 - Mallard duck at the James River |
In what ways did the project change your life? It made me feel like a child exploring my little area of the world with awe and wonder. The odd thing is obviously, I'm not a child. I do have one though, so it was nice to connect with her and teach her an appreciation of nature. Though my mind appreciates the visual and creative stimulation, my allergies did not. There were many a cold, rainy or scorching hot day where I had to go outside because something captured my eye, even though I knew my body would hate me for that adventure. However, I have thousands of beautiful photos and better photography skills now.
I took the curtains down in the living room after my cat started ripping them. That opened up my world to something I hadn't appreciated in years. We have a huge holly tree behind the house. This is a common meeting place for many types of birds and squirrels. We learned that there is one squirrel that takes the same path several times each day, up the crape myrtle tree, stares at us and then hops along the holly tree. She's our trusty squirrel companion. I took several photos of her during the project, because she interacted with the humans and the cats in our family. I took several photos from inside the house, through our large living room windows. I never realized how many bird types flocked here and it made me have to search the internet for what kind they are. The same thing would happen when I found an unusual flower. It was neat to learn about trees, plants, insects and animals along the way.
I actively made plans to travel more during the project, which was great for my family and to experience nature in a variety of places. During the project, we went to Norfolk, VA, Savannah, GA, St. Augustine, FL, Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, Myrtle Beach, SC, Chincoteague Island, VA and Philadelphia, PA. Part of it was for the adventure, and for a change of scenery photography wise. I love traveling, so it was nice that we could go to so many places.
My dear husband also sweetly upgraded my camera and my lap top during the project. He purchased me new equipment when my old equipment was no longer suiting my needs. My daughter and him are claiming my old camera and lap top for their own usage. I'm glad we don't have to share a computer any more.
Day 148 - Dogwood blooms |
Now what? About a week after the project was completed, I made a calendar and started working on a book, using images from the project. I posted about 1971 photos, so it was a huge task to edit them even further for a calendar. I had copies printed as gifts for my family. Noah bought two of them. The book will be a bit different, as it will include more creatures, insects and trees than the calendar did. The calendar was mostly flowers, as that better suited the people who will receive it as a gift. I appreciate the photo of the huge fly, but I'm pretty sure my grandmother won't.
I'm still taking photos, but about once a week now. My allergies appreciate it. Also, as the project was almost ending, I became part of
League of Space Pirates. That has been great to do, as it incorporates some very old and very new skills in a new way. It's been a nice transition from one project to another.
Day 176 - Monarch caterpillar on a milk weed stalk |
See Abby's original 365 interview
Day 365 - Full moon |
See all of Abby's nature photos on her blog
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