365 Creative Creatures

Kenneth Provine in Los Lunas, New Mexico is making 365 Creative Creatures...

Why did you decide to do this project? My wife discovered the Skull-A-Day project and became inspired, I followed suit upon looking at other projects.  I am a creative person but I rarely take the time to allow the creativity to come out. I wanted to do this project so that I could share my love of animals and practice my art skills.  I really want to find a medium that I could possibly focus on later, this journey may help find it.

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? Well after just about a week, I have gained confidence about my own work.  After receiving positive comments from friends, family and strangers on some of my art I feel proud to share the artifacts without hesitation.  I also have been noticing myself seeing and observing creatures within other objects.  Ideas have been fling into my head like a river.  I have a giant list of ideas that are ready at anytime.  I hope to continue to make self discoveries along this journey.  I also hope to inspire others just as Noah Scalin and my wife, Yasna have inspired me!

See all of Kenneth's creatures HERE.

1 comment:

GiftsofGab said...

Both have such wonderful creations! :) Lotsa of creativity in their bones!