The Art Prescription

Beverly Dyer in Chapel Hill, North Carolina is creating The Art Prescription: a daily dose of art and haiku!

Why did you decide to do this project? During December 2010 I found myself experiencing increased life stressors and taking long lonely walks. During these walks I would write a haiku about what I found inspiring. Then I would do a piece of art to go along with the haiku. My daily haiku and art is now so ritualistic that I hold that time sacred. It's been healing for me and since my goal as a nurse/artist has always been to promote the therapeutic benefits of art, the mission behind the Art Prescription fits my philosophy on life. After a stressful day at my nursing job, I am able to turn my mood and brain chemistry around with my daily art prescription!

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? Creating a haiku and art everyday has become such an integral part of my life that I find the words come to me throughout the day. I go about my day with inquisitive observation on life, nature, and people. These short poems always feel like a gift. Somedays my art is literally on an index card, others I do medium to large paintings. Creating every day has pushed me to explore multiple mediums, like sewing onto my journal pages. I now have about 650 followers and the joy of meeting other creativea across the globe is fabulous and in itself a trigger for ideas. My husband and I enjoy hiking and birdwatching, and he is patient while I often pause on the trail to make a sketch or write a few words. My hope is always to provide a dose of art and haiku to anyone who needs it!!

See all of Beverly's daily work HERE.

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