Food 365

Darci Lenker in Norman, Oklahoma is creating Food 365...

What is your project about? I am embroidering a tiny piece of food every day for a year and giving them all away in exchange for a donation to helping hungry people. People can follow the link and sign up to receive one in the mail. The donations can be anything from dropping food off at a shelter or Little Free Pantry, donating money to a food bank, helping with a community garden, paying off school lunch fines, helping a food insecure family, or whatever else someone can think of. I wanted to encourage others to also give what they could. It is unfathomable that there are so many food insecure people.

Why did you decide to do this project? I was really unhappy with the outcome of the last election, and felt I needed to do something to feel like I was helping make a better world in some way. I did a 365 project last year with embroidered circles, so I had some idea what I was doing, at least when it came to preparation, and I had some idea of what would be involved in completing my goal.

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life?
The project takes a lot more time every day than I anticipated, but it's incredibly rewarding to feel like I'm making some small difference in the world. I had no idea it would spread as far as it has. So far I've sent foods to 33 states, 10 countries, and 5 continents. Connecting with people all over the world through social media and then again through the postal service is really fun for me. I'm almost halfway through this project and have already started plans for next year.

Follow the project HERE and sign-up to be a part of it HERE!

Want to experience the benefits of your own daily practice? Get the book Creative Sprint: Six 30-Day Challenges To Jumpstart Your Creativity.

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