[365] Prints & Patterns

Esther Jongste in Boazum, the Netherlands created the [365] Prints & Patterns project...

Why did you decide to do this project? The reason why I decide to start my 365 project was to discover if there was enough inspiration available to make a career shift and to become a professional surface pattern designer. And at the same time to improve my skills and express myself.

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? From the start I felt pretty much at home with the process in creating something every day. Even on days where I hadn't a clue where to find inspiration for the challenge of the day, I came up with something reasonable.

For example: to create a pattern about a dream [day 27], seems to me quite difficult. While thinking about the process and the experience of dreaming, slowly the creation revealed for my eyes. You can read and watch the rest of the story HERE.

After, round and about, forty editions, my mission was accomplished and I knew there would be enough inspiration every single day.  And that moment was the turning point where I decided to exchange my 365 project into a new project: becoming a professional in surface design.

A series of e-courses at Pattern Observer followed and with that, the courage grew to make it all happen.

Since the beginning of 2014 my EM | Surface Design Studio is a fact. I developed a portfolio and a website tuned to the textile design industry as relevant tools to get into business and be successful.

To support my business activities I am planning to start a new blog. The main goal is to show what my inspiration sources are. By joining the 'make something 365 & get unstuck' project I now know that inspiration can be found always and anywhere.

That your project will bring you, where you want yourself to be.

See all of Esther's prints and patterns HERE.

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