Carolyn Curtis AKA Wenchkin made 366 pieces of mail art over the past year, wrapping up on December 18th...
What are the biggest lessons/skills you learned from doing your project? Collage - oddly I had not dabbled with it since high school. It is funny since I have since gotten others into mail art who said "you must be really fast at this now". Not really unless I already have a vision in mind. I do make a better, cleaner, nicer card however than I did at the beginning and I have a solid feel for collage now.
In what ways did the project change your life? Mail art is up the beholder. When I first started I asked what mail art is and I was simply told - you make art and mail it, there are no rules. Working completely unhindered of any art rules is interesting. One of the few projects I have ever done I was completely free in.
What now? Stalk Noah more, kidding. I am taking a day or two off and launching directly into another 365 project. Up next will be what I should have done to begin with, calaca a day where I will do small 4x6 black and white illustrations of people as sugar skulls.
See all of Carolyn's mail art HERE.
For more from Carolyn follow her on Google+ and be sure to check out her store and blog.

What are the biggest lessons/skills you learned from doing your project? Collage - oddly I had not dabbled with it since high school. It is funny since I have since gotten others into mail art who said "you must be really fast at this now". Not really unless I already have a vision in mind. I do make a better, cleaner, nicer card however than I did at the beginning and I have a solid feel for collage now.
In what ways did the project change your life? Mail art is up the beholder. When I first started I asked what mail art is and I was simply told - you make art and mail it, there are no rules. Working completely unhindered of any art rules is interesting. One of the few projects I have ever done I was completely free in.
What now? Stalk Noah more, kidding. I am taking a day or two off and launching directly into another 365 project. Up next will be what I should have done to begin with, calaca a day where I will do small 4x6 black and white illustrations of people as sugar skulls.
See all of Carolyn's mail art HERE.
For more from Carolyn follow her on Google+ and be sure to check out her store and blog.
A lot of your stuff is obviously great found material, but lots isn't. What do you think abou changing weights in your art vis a vis "making" found things vs just actually waiting until you get the right one. Also, do you have huge files of image stock? =D
Awesome Wenchie!
I have never been quoted before!!!
I am glad you came to I.U.O.M.A. and I am even more happy you did it in a month that I mentor....
It has been a joy to watch you create and an honour to own some of your professional work as well as some of your mailart....
Keep on creating sister!
You are awesome...
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