365 Days of Color

David Hoffmann in Minneapolis, Minnesota is making 365 Days of Color. he explains, "Starting with the color red, I will create an art piece around that color, changing colors every other month, working my way through the rainbow."...

Why did you decide to do this project? Every new year I like to take on a challenge.  I decided one of the areas I wanted to take on was my artistic side of my life.  I love to create but seem to do it in spurts; a month or 2 here, a few weeks there, ...  So I figure this would be a great way to keep me being creative at least once a day.  Plus I want to use this to inspire my elementary students, to take something on and grow.  That art can just be plain fun!

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? This is day 20.  So far, this project has helped to have more focus.  Instead of just randomly doing a project (and hoping it'll get done), I need to schedule a time to be creative into my day, whether it's 15 minutes or a whole afternoon.
I'm also having to challenge my perfectionist side when it comes to my art.  Sometimes, the project just has to be done because the day is almost over.

Along that note, I also am just putting it out there.  I post a link to my blog/project on Facebook everyday whether I love the project or not.  For a long time, I wouldn't show that many people my art because it wasn't perfect or quite done yet. In fact one of the pieces for this project, I sent an advanced apology because I wasn't a big fan of it.  It ended up being one that a lot of people really like.   With all this after 20 days, I can't wait to see how this journey ends after 366 days!

See all of David's colors HERE.

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