A Rabbit A Day

Just because a daily project doesn't get done every day doesn't mean that it's not successful. Even though Sarah Bayly of Ilfracombe, North Devon, England had to put her A Rabbit A Day project on hold for personal reasons for a little while, she still got a lot from her experience and is able to return to it from time to time when things get easier!...

Why did you decide to do this project?  For most of my life I had a sensible job and ignored that creative niggle inside me. Then my life was turned upside when I got pregnant and found myself a single mum, meaning I had to give up my job and move house.
Oddly it was this event that gave me the time to become more creative, and made me reassess who I was, and who I wanted to be for my littel girl. Since then I've launched my own business (making handmade textiles) and started a textiles degree.
However I feel the years of ignoring that creative voice in my head means the creativity doesn't flow naturally, and the synical voice steps in too much. I wath my little girl drawing and making things and she doesn't care if things don't look perfect, or indeed if they don't look like anything at all!
So I think it's really important to force myself to do something fun and creative once a day, to try and access that little girl inside me, to almost pretend at being creative, until I one day because second nature and that synical, "it looks nothing like a rabbit" voice finally goes away!

How has doing a yearlong/daily project affected your life? Having to do something every day is really liberating. It's almost as if you've been given permission to be creative, so it doesn't matter what people say. Ive got odd looks on the way to school, taking photo's of clouds or concrete rabbits that no one else can see. But when I say "it's for my project", I feel proud instead of silly.
 It's also very good for confidence. There's a theory that if you pretend at being something for long enough you'll become it. So I'm hoping by the end of 2011, i'll be creatively flowing artist!

See all of Sarah's Rabbits on her site HERE.

1 comment:

PJ said...

I love the leaves, what a clever idea!